Monday, February 4, 2013

Five important recovery tips

Every single athlete that takes care of himself/herself understands the importance of recovery. Recovery has various aspects and it does not stop with that cool down after a workout.
Let's try to put the various aspects of recovery - that I try to pay attention to - in order of importance while having time constraints.
  1. Hydrate!During a long run, I usually lose 4-5 pounds. Getting hydrated again helps me recover faster. As a habit, I weigh myself before and after such an significant effort  in order to know the amount of fluid I have to take in as soon as possible. During the day, my personal goal is to drink at least 0.5 gallon a day (~1.9 liter). Personally, this is one of my most difficult action items for recovery. Make it a habit to complete a water bottle x number of times a day.
  2. Stretch after every training but especially after hard workouts.It will only take 5-10’ to do 1 or 2 muscle groups. If you don`t have 30’ to spend, rotate the muscle groups stretching every workout.
  3. Increase blood circulation during and after impactful trainings or while traveling for long distances. Herzog compression socks support that cause perfectly. When going for a hard track workout or long run, I put the tubes on. The full compression socks are used for travel days.
  4. Eat healthy and load your body properly.
    As I do most of my workouts on an empty stomach, it means that I have to reload properly afterwards. Take this recovery action point seriously. You need proteins, fat and carbs in the correct equation. You should not compensate on this; even when you are targeting losing weight.
  5. Get a sports massage or do it yourselfIn Colorado Springs, we’re spoiled. Jennifer Chee, founder and owner of My Massage Fitness LLC, is the masseur for the female US Olympic ice hockey team. She outperforms the European massages as she takes care of your full body. In order to support (bi-)weekly maintenance massages, you should take care of your most used muscle groups with “The Stick” or a decent foam roller (Rumbleroller is by far the best that Nathalie and I used so far).
Have fun!
- Wout

1 comment:

muscle recovery said...

You did a good habit in your routine. As always, balance diet and exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Thanks for sharing this additional information. This is really helpful.