Sunday, October 14, 2012

Progression all the way

This short blog is completely aligned with the previous one. After staying 11 consecutive days at sea level, training week #8 was completed on Sunday. That week concludes my third training block where both the mileage (65 --> 70+ --> 78/79) as the intensity gradually progress.

Before joining the American Distance Project, I was sceptical about high mileage for middle distance runners. Just like I was sceptical for long runs. However, I feel great with this new approach. It is amazing how easily a human body adapts to change. My former coaches of the High Performance Running Team (back in Belgium) already explained me that they were amazed about the load that I can keep up with. It is not only the training, but the combination with weekly travel and a challenging/demanding job role. I feel fine with the combination as it keeps me in balance. The 2x 8hrs of travel each week, provides me the time to reflect, think again and provide updates to friends and family (including this blog).

Luckily it is not just about the mileage. The path that ADP takes is completely in line with the visions of coaches Scott Simmons and Renato Canova. Having small successes week after week while the numbers grow in each direction. Focus on effort! The best advice any coach could give me after a year of chasing down numbers and failing when it was time to race.

Nathalie and I visited New York City last weekend. We were amazed about the number of joggers in Central Park. Irrespectively if it was raining or not, it was almost unbelievable. After logging my long run, it was clear that, if we do a marathon one day, it will be in NYC!

Keep running!
- Wout

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