Monday, December 3, 2012

16 weeks down the #ADP road

It has been a crazy journey the last 16 weeks. We're 4 months down the (new) road and it feels great! Over those 4 months, Scott Simmons – lead coach of the American Distance Project - did a fantastic job. He tu(r)ned my thinking back into the positive attitude a competitive runner needs. That's probably mainly due to the small successes that occur more than once every week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Second phase of the ADP workout schedule

This week, we`re getting the second phase of the ADP workout schedule started. Scott notices that the 1500m specificity can increase more quickly. As such the weekly training schedule will change quite a bit.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving is coming closer

It has been about one month since the latest post. Things are still going well here in Colorado Springs. With completing today`s 17 miler, the weekly training load ended. This week 83+ miles were put in successfully.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Progression all the way

This short blog is completely aligned with the previous one. After staying 11 consecutive days at sea level, training week #8 was completed on Sunday. That week concludes my third training block where both the mileage (65 --> 70+ --> 78/79) as the intensity gradually progress.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Five weeks down the road of doing the weekly travel to altitude

After 5 weeks, we can – luckily – state that we`re settled in Colorado Springs. Everything is falling into place and we are getting into our routines. Like Nathalie, I`m getting pretty much adapted to altitude. Even though I have to (re)adapt every single weekend. Both the mileage and the quality are progressing in the way we want to.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 2012 - A fresh start in Colorado Springs

Here we are, Colorado Springs, a reasonably small city with quite some nice historical brick buildings in the downtown area. The contrast with Charlotte, NC is noticeable. No skyscrapers in the city center, no emerging financial center in the US and the world, (almost) no businessmen in smoking hot suits. No, our first impression is that this city provides us relaxing atmosphere within the Rocky Mountain area.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 29 - Easy going

The first and second week after my European race season, the intensity of my workouts is quite low. Right now, I`m purely running/training for fun. The mileage is currently around 40+ miles a week (65-70 km) and the majority is focusing on aerobic work.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 28 - Long time no see

It has been a while since my last post on my blog. My apologies for the long delay. Since May 18 time just flew by. First I had to finish up my project located on the West coast of the US. On June 8, I had wrapped up my tasks and handed over my responsibilities. As such, I could prepare myself mentally for 4 awesome weeks in Europe: visiting friends and family and FEEL the European tracks again.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weeks 13-19 - Californian challenges

Last couple of weeks, I did not made any updates to this blog. Mainly due to a shift of priorities. My project in the Bay area resulted in two 5+ hour flights per week. Adding a 3 hour time zone difference and an interesting but challenging project content and scope resulted in 11+ hour working days on average. Hopefully, my regular Twitter messages did give you an idea what I was doing from a workout perspective.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 12 - First lactic training since the indoor mile

Yvonne Hak`s tweet this week was right on: "Lactic training = Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable". You can follow Yvonne on Twitter. Find her via @800HAK. My first lactic training since I ran the poor indoor mile race did not bring me the expected satisfying feeling.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 11 - squeezing in some relative rest

Before we start the real prepping phase of the upcoming outdoor track season, a week of relative recovery was put in the training plan.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 10 - End of my winter`s workout schedule

First things first: my sincere congratulations for my Belgian friends and colleagues within our awesome Track and Field sport. Belgium had a mini delegation at the World Indoor Championships in Istanbul (Turkey). With only 3 athletes, Belgium was able to claim 3 times a 5th place. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 09 - Picking up the mileage

After my though days in week 08, my body recovered slowly over the weekend. However, the first days of my last week in Detroit the feeling was still not 100%. At these kind of moments, you should not panic as a runner. Trying to catch up on the ‘lost’ training days is one of the most stupid things to do.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 08 - Bad week

From a anaerobic capacity (=ANC) perspective, week 08 will not be remembered as the most efficient nor most contribution one. The 14K easy run workout on Monday evening (travel day), went awesome and the sober morning run on Tuesday went fine as well.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 07 - Don`t you think it`s time for a change?

After Tuesday`s workout, the next rest cycle of my summer preparation started. With 4 anaerobic capacity trainings in 9 days, the previous training cycle ended quite intense. The body is reacting pretty good on this type of workout. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 06 - Hilly week

The trainers of the High Performance Running Team planned 3 hill repeat workout sessions this week. As the week progressed, the recovery came back to the level that I had before my 'mandatory' yearly winter cold.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 05 - Bad cold affects workout execution

The Sunday following the indoor mile test, my throat was sore and my nose was stuffed. The rest of the week I was suffering from a bad cold (otitis).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 04 - Pictures Mile race

The pictures of the mile race of last weekend are posted below. The form changes as the lactic acid accumulated in my blood. We don`t have a picture of the final lap (267m).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 04 - First "race" test on endurance training

Last weekend, a first test was planned. At the indoor meeting of ETSU, I ran the invite mile as an unattached runner. Beforehand, I knew that I would crash. The only question was: “How far can I make it before the lactic acid kicks in” It was my first race since we left Belgium mid-August.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 03 - When the going gets tough the ...

... tough get going. It`s a pretty lame quote, but it makes sense to a lot of dedicated and passionate athletes. In many (most) cases we aren`t professionally dedicated to our sport. So once in a while, I reach out to this lame quote.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 03 - Workout schedule

Some of the visitors of this running blog might have noticed the weekly volume that I`m mentioning. Some of them might wonder why this was increased in such a significant way. Looking on all parameters and results of the series of tests, the team around me believes that my physiologic system reacts heavily on shorter (and faster) stimulations.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 02 - Picking up the faster paces

We`re picking up the faster paces since this week. The workouts that are planned in Detroit are still on the slower side. My recovery runs are executed around 4`20/K (sub 7`00 on a mile). The easy - but longer - runs have a pace around 4`00/K (6`24/mile).

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 02 - Recovery during travel

  by woutvandegaer
, a photo by woutvandegaer on Flickr.
Proper recovery is important for every athlete. Due to the fact that I run more than 100K per week on average, recovery is an important factor in my weekly planning.

In order to get the maximum recovery, I wear the PRO socks of Herzog Medical (a High Performance Running Team sponsor) during my travel days. The flights between Charlotte and Detroit take about 2 hours.

You wouldn`t even notice them underneath my tailor made business suit :-) The new design and updated form are definitely an improvement. I like them a lot!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week 1 - Active recovery at the end of training cycle #5

During the week that my parents came over to the USA, trainers Tim and Dirk of the High Performance Running Team planned a week of active recovery. It was my fifth (5th) training cycle since we started our summer preparation begin September.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 1 - Morning runs with my dad

Via Flickr:
As mentioned earlier, my mum and dad visited North Carolina and Charlotte this week. It has been a long while since my dad and I went for a run together. This week we could see the sun rise during 2 recovery runs in the morning. A very special moment and feeling! Chatting about norms and values in life while running. Love you dad!

P.S. thank you for those running genes :-)

Brooks Ghost 4 after ~1,000K mileage

Via Flickr:
My old pair of Brooks Ghost 4 hit a nice mileage of ~1,000K. Luckily I'm a forefoot striker. Can you notice the difference with one of my brand new pairs?

Golden tip if you do multiple workouts on one day: alternate your running shoe pairs to keep them in optimal condition. The shock absorption material needs ~24 hours to completely recover from a longer workout.